About Us

First and foremost… I’m a staunch Liverpool fan just like you.

I started Kop Chants in June 2019.

Liverpool Football Club’s 2018/19 season will forever go down in our Club’s illustrious history as the most exciting and exhilarating season ever. Sure, we might not have won the Premier League (despite a record 97 points and only losing 1 game) but hey, we won our 6th European Champions Cup!

Despite not being in Madrid, I was there in Liverpool the next day, to welcome our LFC heroes in that famous homecoming parade.

Being part of a 750,000 strong crowd reiterated to me, just how special this football club is. It is one big happy family.   

I was chanting, singing and dancing with fans I’d never met in my life and for that entire 4 or 5 hours in the pubs of Liverpool, we were one family and it felt good to be a red.

Winning the Champions League Cup for the 6th time and experiencing the victory parade was the seed that blossomed into the creation of Kop Chants.

The idea behind Kop Chants is simple. We want to create a platform where any Liverpool fan can be involved in the creation, sharing, and enjoyment of chants and songs that form the DNA of this great club.

Not only are we the best club, with the best manager, the best team and the best fans in the whole world …Music has always been at the heart and soul of our club and therefore…WE HAVE THE BEST SONGS in the world.

So, while we may not always have a ticket for the match …we can always sing along and support the team from all corners of the globe…for we are one family!

July 2020 Update

We are now Premier League Champions! ...erasing 30 years of pain, anguish and being the butt of "next year is our year"  jokes ! I am absolutely buzzing and am so proud to be a RED. I feel complete. 

You’ll Never Walk Alone